Valentines Day Musings from a Woman Who Loves All Things Love

compassion connection emotions energy gratitude heart wisdom love Feb 14, 2025

Valentines Day often conjures images of romance—roses, chocolates, candlelit dinners and grand gestures. Love is so much more than what we see in movies or read in fairytales.

At its core, love is not confined to romance alone. 

Love is expansive, radiant, ever-flowing, gracious.

It is in the kindness we show, the presence we give, the way we honour our hearts.

I am a woman who loves all things love—the way love transforms, invites, heals and connects us. I believe in love that is soft yet fierce, wild yet grounding, passionate yet peaceful.

Love is not only something we give to others—it is something we cultivate within.

To love fully, we must first learn to love ourselves—to embrace our flaws, to cherish our essence, to honour the voice within that whispers, You are worthy.

This Valentines Day, I invite you to explore love in all its forms:

πŸ’– The love you hold for yourself – the kind love that asks you to care for your own heart as tenderly as you would a dear friend.

πŸ’– The love you share with others – the connections that nourish and uplift, from deep friendships to family bonds to the love that blooms in romantic relationships.

πŸ’– The love that flows through every heartbeat, every breath, every sacred moment of life – the unconditional and all encompassing love that connects us all, an energy that moves through the universe.

Love is not simply an emotion.

Love is a frequency, an energy, a force that moves through us, between us and around us.

To live with an open heart is to live with and from love.

Let me share an infinite, unbreakable truth with you all.

πŸ’– We are born from love.

πŸ’– We are born with love.

πŸ’– We are love.

Love is not something we have to earn, prove or seek externally—it is who we are at our core.

Before the world teaches us conditions, expectations or limitations, we arrive here on this earth in pure, unconditional love. A baby does not question its worthiness of love; it simply exists as love.

Somewhere along the way, we may forget.

We may build walls.

We may believe love must be earned, deserved, worked for or only given only under certain circumstances.

Love—true love—is unconditional.

It asks nothing and gives everything.

It is not transactional.

It is not dependent on how much we achieve, how we look or what others think of us.

The moment we release fear, shame, or self-judgment, we remember:

♥️ Love is our birthright.

♥️ Love is infinite.

♥️ Love is the thread that connects us all.

Love, like the ocean, is always moving.

Love is not static, it is dynamic.

It is a current, a force, a wave that carries us through life.

Some days, love is a calm tide, gently visiting at the shore, filling us with warmth and peace.

Other days, love is a powerful wave, pulling us into deep waters, testing our faith, teaching us to surrender.

To live in love is to ride these waves with trust—knowing that even when the waters feel wild, love is still holding us, guiding us, teaching us.

🌊 Love is the vessel that carries us through stormy seas.

🌊 Love is the anchor that grounds us when life feels uncertain.

🌊 Love is the lighthouse that calls us home when we feel lost.

We cannot control the waves of life, but we can choose how we ride them.

We can resist, or we can surrender.

We can close off, or we can open our hearts even wider.

Love asks us to trust, to let go, to move with the tide rather than fight against it.

When we allow love to be our compass, we find that even the most challenging moments can be softened by kindness, compassion and an open heart.

The heart is more than a symbol of love—the heart is the keeper of life itself.

Did you know the human heart has over 60,000 miles of blood vessels? It beats about 100,000 times per day, carrying oxygen and life through the body.

Beyond its physical function, the heart is an energetic centre. In many traditions, the heart is where love, intuition and the deepest truths reside.

In the practice of Heart Coherence, research shows that when we cultivate love, gratitude, and compassion, our heart rhythms become more stable and balanced, improving both emotional well-being and physical health.

The heart is not just an organ—it is the seat of the soul.

To love with an open heart means to move through the world with compassion, presence and authenticity.

To love with a loving heart means to offer kindness, patience, and understanding—not just to others, but to yourself.

One post about love on Valentines Day simply wasn’t enough—at least not in my mind and heart. With more quotes to come this afternoon, here are 9 beautiful quotes about love to inspire your heart and soul.

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” Nat King Cole

 “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha 

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Oscar Wilde

“Love is not something you find. Love is something you become.” Rumi

 “Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself.” Unknown

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi

“At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” Plato

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Rumi

"The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” Steve Maraboli

Journaling is one of the most powerful ways to cultivate self-love, self-awareness and self-acceptance, allowing you to slow down, connect with yourself, process emotions, release negativity, reframe limiting beliefs, create space for gratitude, clarity & personal growth AND nurture a deeper understanding of your desires, standards and values. 

Journaling is a sacred act of self-discovery—a love letter to yourself.

Writing things down not only helps to process emotions but also rewires the brain, strengthening pathways that reinforce positivity, gratitude, love and inner kindness.

Here are some prompts to explore your relationship with yourself from this day on:

πŸ’ŒWhat do I love most about myself?

πŸ’ŒHow can I show myself more kindness and compassion?

πŸ’ŒWhat limiting beliefs about love am I ready to release?

πŸ’ŒWhat makes me feel most loved and supported?

πŸ’ŒHow can I nurture my heart and soul daily?

πŸ’ŒWhat does unconditional self-love look and feel  like to me?

πŸ’ŒWhat words of love and encouragement do I need to hear today?

πŸ’ŒHow do I want to feel in my relationship with myself?

πŸ’ŒWhat standards can I set to protect my energy and self-worth?

πŸ’ŒWhat brings me joy, and how can I incorporate more of it into my life?

Take time with these questions.

Let them guide you into a deeper connection with your heart.

The love your desire and deserve is already within you.

This Valentines Day, celebrate love in all its forms.

πŸ’– Love yourself as deeply as you love others.

πŸ’– Honour your heart—its resilience, its wisdom, its beauty.

πŸ’– Know that you are already whole, already enough, already loved.

Whether you are celebrating with a partner, with friends, or in the sacred solitude of your own presence, remember: The greatest love story you will ever have is the one you build with yourself.

Here are some meaningful ways to celebrate self-love this Valentines Day.

🌹 Treat yourself to a scrumptious meal.

🌹 Write a love letter to yourself.

🌹 Practice mirror affirmations.

🌹 Spend time doing something that nourishes your soul.

🌹 Take a bath infused with essential oils or flower petals.

🌹 Read poetry or listen to music that makes your heart feel full.

🌹 Place your hand on your heart, take a deep breath, and remind yourself: I am love. I am worthy. I am enough.

You are enough.

You always have been and you always will be.

Love is not something outside of you.

It is you.

No matter what the waves of life bring, let love be the force that carries you home.

Happy Valentines Day, beautiful souls. πŸ’•