Catalyst for Change: Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius

intuitive guidance moon magic reflection wild woman musings Aug 20, 2024

This morning, on August 20th, 2024, I woke up to the potent and transformative energy of the Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius. The sun glowing a little brighter, my heart opening a little more and each breath a little deeper. This isn’t just any Full Moon; it is a catalyst for profound change, already making its presence known to my clients, colleagues and soulies from various corners of the world.

This is the first Supermoon of the year, and it carries with it the potential for profound transformation. Governed by Aquarius, a sign known for its radical, forward-thinking energy, this moon invites us to embrace our individuality and authenticity while summoning the courage to break free from constraints of the past.

As we wake up to this Supermoon, there is a sense of excitement in the air—stirring within us a feeling that something big is on the horizon, waiting to unfold. It is a powerful call to action, urging us to realign our paths with our deepest desires and let go of what no longer serves us. 

Waking up under the light of the Full Blue Supermoon feels like stepping into a new reality. There is a sense of freedom —a release from the old patterns that have held us back. The energy is electric, filling the air with possibilities and urging us to move boldly and confidently into the unknown.

Aquarius is known for its unexpected twists and this Full Moon is no exception. With Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, playing a significant role, we are likely to experience radical shifts that may feel unsettling at first. These disruptions are necessary to propel us forward, encouraging us to think differently, communicate clearly and embrace the unknown with a curious mind and an open heart.

Adding to this dynamic energy, Mercury is in Retrograde, making clear communication and introspection even more critical. While this retrograde may present challenges, it also offers a unique opportunity to reflect deeply and ensure that the changes and choices that we make are aligned with our higher selves.

For many, waking up to this Supermoon is an emotional experience. The energy of Aquarius, combined with the influence of Uranus, brings radical shifts that are both exhilarating and liberating. This sense of liberation is not just mental; it is a full-body experience - a feeling that we are finally free to pursue our true desires free from fear of judgment or limitation, urging us to take action and embrace the changes unfolding around us.

The subtle yet powerful changes in the air are already being felt by many. This Supermoon is not just a celestial event; it’s a powerful reminder that we are capable of reclaiming our sovereignty and making bold, life-altering decisions. 

The Sun in Leo, with its fiery and courageous energy, further supports this phase by encouraging us to step into our power, lead with our hearts and pursue our paths with unwavering confidence.

Together, the energies of Aquarius and Leo create a powerful dynamic that is both challenging and transformative.

While the Full Moon may feel unsettling as it stirs the pot, it also presents a powerful opportunity to realign your path with your true intentions. Uranus is active, bringing the winds of change, and though it may feel uncomfortable, this is a chance to stretch beyond what you know and embrace new possibilities.

Get ready to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Allow this Aquarian Full Moon to be your springboard for radical, actionable change. As the last Full Moon before eclipse season begins, it carries an intense energy of transformation, guiding us to flow with the changes rather than resist them.

As you prepare for this Full Blue Supermoon, get ready to embrace the wild ride it promises. This is a time of profound transformation—a moment to reclaim your power, lead with authenticity, and boldly step into the future you are consciously creating with every breath you take and each move you make.

To help you navigate this powerful time, here are 5 reflection questions.

Reflect on the habits or beliefs that no longer serve you. What patterns or cycles am I ready to break free from?

Consider the areas of your life where you can introduce changes that resonate with your true nature. How can I embrace change in a way that aligns with my authentic self?

Identify where you have been holding back and how you can assert your strength and leadership. What is one area of my life where I need to step into my own power?

Think about how you can rise above fear and doubt to make decisions that align with your highest intentions. How can I lead from my higher mind during times of uncertainty?

Envision what freedom means to you and what steps you can take to move closer to that ideal. What does true freedom look like for me, and how can I move closer to it?

Wishing you a journey of discovery, courage, and the strength to embrace the wild ride ahead.

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